Stress: The fertility killer

Stress is defined as an inability to respond appropriately to the environment. The resulting physical response can manifest a myriad nervous system complains including insomnia, restlessness, nervousness, or a general state of agitation. In some cases the immune system becomes compromised, resulting in everything from an increased susceptibility to colds and flu to hormonal imbalances and chronic states.

Stress puts the body into a “fight or flight” mode, which increases the cortisol hormones and other neurochemicals and selectively redirects the blood flow to the brain, the eye, and the musculoskeletal system. The adaptive mechanism allows us to escape from danger. Our stress response may triggered by an endless mental pollution, emotional factors, worry, and so on. Far too many of us live with high stress levels most of the time.

Unfortunately, the stress response preferentially redistributes blood flow away from the gastrointestinal, endocrine, and reproductive systems, all of which are nonessential to the “fight or flight” response. Day in and day out, our bodies still need to eat, relax, and reproduce, but under stress these systems won’t get the blood flow they need to function efficiently. Blood flow quits flowing to the stomach; hence we get ulcers and wild range of digestive complaints. Blood over nourishes certain parts of the endocrine system and starves others, so we don’t produce the right balance of hormones needed for a healthy menstrual cycle. And poor uterus and ovaries are ignored altogether!

In addition, the hormone adrenaline, which is released by the adrenal glands during the conditions of stress, inhibits the utilization of progesterone, one of the key hormones of reproduction.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine have been extremely effective in helping the body cope with stress and related issues; they can help bodies relaxing and Qi and blood circulation smoothly. The Chinese Medicine, there is no separation between mind, body and spirit. All the tree elements of the wellness are very important to your health regimen.